Friday, September 14, 2007


The world is treating me bad.....misery! A little known Beatle's song but very appt.

Somethings don't go your way no matter how hard you try. Sometimes it is dealing with potential clients that aren't being honest with themselves therefore not being honest with you. Sometimes it is dealing with another realtor(r) who has an ax to grind with you as well as your buyer and therefore is bound damned and determined to throw a monkey wrench into things even if it is at the expense of their own clients.

Would you believe that one of my fellow realtor(r)s laid the line on me, "My seller needs the money to take care of her father who is in assisted care. Is that "x" amount of money more important to her or to your client." Geez oh pete. He can afford to sit and wait because he can. I, on the other hand, being the ever fair and diligent agent, am looking out for my clients best interests. (A little commission would not go amiss, either. And I mean little.)

Things will look up, they always do. In fact, I have a closing later today with my fixer-upper guy. The same guy that I am trying to negotiate on his behalf in the "she needs the money more" transaction.

As I have mentioned before, when things get strange, its the other realtors that you have to watch out for. Your clients are usually the least of your problems.

So if I hurry, I'll still have time to lick my wounds before my closing.
(Sheesh! Sick father. How do you fight that?! It's like attacking God and apple pie....mumble....mumble........)

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