Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Helter Skelter

Okay. By now you have realized that the daily life of a realtor is pretty much a roller coaster ride. Up, down, round and round.

I was kevetching recently about how I didn't want to show homes while my sister was in town. Well, that Wednesday evening showing turned into an accepted contract. A had taken a couple days off from my regular office routine to give me some extra time with my sister. I should take time off more often.

I was on my cell phone almost constantly trying to get everything negotiated. It made me feel like a real realtor.

Of course, at the same time I was being run ragged by the painter painting my porch. Buy paint, tell painter where I want paint, tell painter again where I want paint. Don't step on paint.

There I go kevetching again. In the end I got a gorgeous porch that really sets off the house. (I will post a picture when I get time to take one!) Even though my home is considered Greek Revival built in 1865, the porch was probably added later. Plus, the people who owned the house before had replaced the columns with turned ones instead of classical ones. Soooo since most old houses go through several incarnations throughout their lives I decided to play up the columns ala Victorian. Subtle but effective.

Where was I. Oh yeah, I just sold a house! I say "sell" but I don't consider myself a "salesperson". Just like I don't consider myself a secretary to the bosses wife. I like the phrase, "administrative assistant." Think names don't matter? How do YOU feel when someone calls you a name, ethnic slur, etc?

My weekend also included a high school reunion. I now remember why I hadn't been to one in 20 years. I had some moments but my sister had a great time which is all that counts. All of a sudden my chosen profession seemed boring. The usual reaction to my response to "So what do you do?" was a glassy stare.


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