Thursday, September 6, 2007

Being For the Benefit of Mr. Kite

Unfortunately, this is not an uncommon sight in Wilmington. Who
would think that the county seat of an historically rural community could be exeriencing urban blight. Believe it.

Wilmington City now has the dubious distinction of having 50% of its homes as rental properties. 50%! That is sad.

Not sad because we shouldn't have rentals but sad because we need them. And the reason we need them is because people can't afford to own a home or because they have poor credit.

The unfortunate reality of rental properties is that they may suffer from neglect on the landlord's part or abuse on the renter's part. This doesn't happen in all cases but when a town has 50% of its homes as rentals then the chances of this occuring greatly increases.

As in previous postings, I have sited the fact that incomes are not keeping up with the rising cost of housing. This could be the leading factor in the increased need of rentals. Also, most families are one paycheck away from getting behind on their bills. Heaven forbid one of the two essential incomes should go away from either sickness or a company layoff. Then families have to chose which bills to pay this month and which to pay next. And we all know that once you get behind, it is hard to catch up.

This could result in bankruptcy. No individual really wants to declare bankruptcy. No body sets out to get so far in debt that they can no longer see daylight. But it is happening more and more as the cost of living outstrips the ol' paycheck.

Which brings me to the point of urban blight. As more fortunate people move to the 'burbs, the more that unfortunate people are left behind and the more unfortunate people are left behind the more that fortunate people move to the 'burbs.

I have therefore, for the benefit of all, started a one person campaign to re-beautify Wilmington. But how....? Remember when a newly wed couple could go out a get a little house.....

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