Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Everybody's Got Something to Hide 'Cept for Me and My Monkey

Things are indeed starting to pick up, as I've said before, weather-cold or hot-can affect real estate.

Personally, I now have 3 warm leads and I wrote a contract on a fixer-upper-piece-o-crap with my fixer-upper-then-rent'em client. (This place was scary, even by my standards).

Didn't Einstein have some kind of law stating that an object in motion tends to stay in motion? That doesn't quite fit in with the real estate market. I tend to think of it more as, if you keep doing the same thing again and again, don't expect a different result. Or, my new age self says, just do something different, anything, just do it. Then watch and enjoy all the fresh and different things that start happening.

Just don't forget to get up to pee during the commercials.

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