Saturday, September 29, 2007

I Me Mine

I am always looking for ways to "get noticed" on the web. In order to build a client base, one has to be able to be found.

I am not a "big name" in Wilmington. My ancestory has not been established in Clinton County for generations, which is a big plus in a little place. So it is a hard scrabble existence to get your name out there so when people are contemplating the big jump to buying or selling a home they think of me.

In this age of growing technology, the common wisdom in the real estate publications is to use the web use the web use the web. It is common knowledge that most people start with the internet before doing anything, big or little. Researching their next car purchase, researching their next toilet paper purchase, or actually making said purchase.

Real estate especially. Who hasn't heard of Realtor. com. Most people, wherever they may currently reside, start with Unfortunate really, since it is not the most user friendly website. In a startling turn of events a few years ago, the Cincinnati MLS chose to remove their public search site and only retain the private website for the use by realtors. This put a great burden on the small brokerages because who ever heard of Bennett Realty unless you live in the area? So most people don't start by looking for individual websites. They go to

The flip side of that coin is that the Division of Real Estate in Ohio made it legal for any brokerage to post any other brokerages listings on their website. That is why, when you click on the Cincinnati or Dayton MLS link at the bottom of this page you will be directed to a search engine that takes you to all listings, be they Bennett Realty, ReMax or Sibcy Cline. Hopefully, at that point, you will call Bennett Realty when you find a home that appeals to you.

Or maybe not.

Competition is fierce these days. So in an effort to get myself noticed, I have used the moniker of "Ukulele Realtor" to help set myself off from the rest of the pack. "Ukulele Realtor" because I play the ukulele. (And no, ukuleles are not the first cousins of the kazoo. And no, I do not play Hawaiian music. I play rock, country, folk, old standards. And yes, I do play "Tiptoe Through the Tulips.)

So, Google me using Ukulele Realtor and voila! There I am.


Thursday, September 27, 2007


The squeaky wheel gets the grease. It never rains but it pours.

If those old cliches are true then I should be running pretty smooth by now and getting drenched in the process. Being the complaining realtor that I am, it's too hot it's too cold it's too wet it's too dry I haven't shown any houses I've shown too many houses, I will now complain that I have to show houses on Saturday. Not just to one couple but to two.


I'm showing 5 homes to an aforementioned couple from out of town that I have shown homes to before. The other couple is a call-in. They were unable to contact the listing realtor after they drove by the home (the agent never returned their call-cardinal sin number one) so they called the office. Since I was on phone duty, I got the call, the showing and maybe the sale.

It tears my Saturday all to hell, but that is what happens if you're lucky. The agent with too much time on their hands isn't showing homes or listing properties.

I have many hobbies, which is why I complain about working on weekends. And since I also work full time in the office, one can become very protective of one's "time off." But as the weather continues to change and the temperatures continue to drop and the rain turnes to snow I will not only have more time on my hands but I will also have more things to complain about.


Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Big friggin' praying mantis from my backyard

Just a pretty posey from my backyard

Helter Skelter

Okay. By now you have realized that the daily life of a realtor is pretty much a roller coaster ride. Up, down, round and round.

I was kevetching recently about how I didn't want to show homes while my sister was in town. Well, that Wednesday evening showing turned into an accepted contract. A had taken a couple days off from my regular office routine to give me some extra time with my sister. I should take time off more often.

I was on my cell phone almost constantly trying to get everything negotiated. It made me feel like a real realtor.

Of course, at the same time I was being run ragged by the painter painting my porch. Buy paint, tell painter where I want paint, tell painter again where I want paint. Don't step on paint.

There I go kevetching again. In the end I got a gorgeous porch that really sets off the house. (I will post a picture when I get time to take one!) Even though my home is considered Greek Revival built in 1865, the porch was probably added later. Plus, the people who owned the house before had replaced the columns with turned ones instead of classical ones. Soooo since most old houses go through several incarnations throughout their lives I decided to play up the columns ala Victorian. Subtle but effective.

Where was I. Oh yeah, I just sold a house! I say "sell" but I don't consider myself a "salesperson". Just like I don't consider myself a secretary to the bosses wife. I like the phrase, "administrative assistant." Think names don't matter? How do YOU feel when someone calls you a name, ethnic slur, etc?

My weekend also included a high school reunion. I now remember why I hadn't been to one in 20 years. I had some moments but my sister had a great time which is all that counts. All of a sudden my chosen profession seemed boring. The usual reaction to my response to "So what do you do?" was a glassy stare.


Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Got To Get You Into My Life

Things are indeed looking up. I got a call back from the people that I showed a couple condos to two weeks ago. They indicated to me at our first meeting that they had looked at other properties already so I took that to mean that they generally just call the realtor whose sign is in the front yard. They asked me to email them some other listings, which I did right away, but I hadn't heard anything from them. Since I could tell that they were people who did things their own way (which is fine) I was pleasantly surprised when they called me at the beginning of the week requesting a showing of homes that Bennett Realty did not have listed. It was at this point that I knew for sure that we had connected as I had suspected.

That is a good feeling, to know that you have made a positive impression on someone. Maybe I'm still just enough of a newbie to fully appreciate the important life decision of someone purchasing a new home and am proud to be a part of that.

But (there's always a big but) my showing is scheduled for the evening that my sister (who is older than I) is arriving. We have not seen each other for almost 3 years. That is the way it usually goes. You sit around and around and around then when things start happening, everything starts happening.

And happening and happening. My porch painter has finally shown up so there is a royal mess in the front of my house. I have also been running around getting paint for said painter.

And happening. My bathroom remodeler (and a client) had finally been able to free up some time to finish my bathroom. So I am supervising that.

And not happening, such as cleaning the house and going to the grocery, etc, etc.

Didn't I just say in a previous posting that if you do something different than what you always do then things will start happening?


Friday, September 14, 2007


The world is treating me bad.....misery! A little known Beatle's song but very appt.

Somethings don't go your way no matter how hard you try. Sometimes it is dealing with potential clients that aren't being honest with themselves therefore not being honest with you. Sometimes it is dealing with another realtor(r) who has an ax to grind with you as well as your buyer and therefore is bound damned and determined to throw a monkey wrench into things even if it is at the expense of their own clients.

Would you believe that one of my fellow realtor(r)s laid the line on me, "My seller needs the money to take care of her father who is in assisted care. Is that "x" amount of money more important to her or to your client." Geez oh pete. He can afford to sit and wait because he can. I, on the other hand, being the ever fair and diligent agent, am looking out for my clients best interests. (A little commission would not go amiss, either. And I mean little.)

Things will look up, they always do. In fact, I have a closing later today with my fixer-upper guy. The same guy that I am trying to negotiate on his behalf in the "she needs the money more" transaction.

As I have mentioned before, when things get strange, its the other realtors that you have to watch out for. Your clients are usually the least of your problems.

So if I hurry, I'll still have time to lick my wounds before my closing.
(Sheesh! Sick father. How do you fight that?! It's like attacking God and apple pie....mumble....mumble........)

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Everybody's Got Something to Hide 'Cept for Me and My Monkey

Things are indeed starting to pick up, as I've said before, weather-cold or hot-can affect real estate.

Personally, I now have 3 warm leads and I wrote a contract on a fixer-upper-piece-o-crap with my fixer-upper-then-rent'em client. (This place was scary, even by my standards).

Didn't Einstein have some kind of law stating that an object in motion tends to stay in motion? That doesn't quite fit in with the real estate market. I tend to think of it more as, if you keep doing the same thing again and again, don't expect a different result. Or, my new age self says, just do something different, anything, just do it. Then watch and enjoy all the fresh and different things that start happening.

Just don't forget to get up to pee during the commercials.

Don't Let Me Down

The American Dream. Get married, buy a little house, fix it up, have a baby. Outgrow your house, sell it, buy a little bigger house. Fix it up, have another kid. Outgrow your house, sell it, buy a little bigger house, ad nauseum.

The American Dream has changed in the last few years. Seldom do young couples want to buy a fixer-upper. I really don't know why unless it is that instant gratification syndrome. See it, want it, buy it.

Urban blight is not just in the hands of landlords and tenants. It is in the hands of the homebuyer. Why is it, she says in her best Andy Rooney voice, why is it that nobody wants a fixer-up or believes in sweat equity. Why can't people look at a house and say, yeah, I can see just what I want to do. Why don't people want to put their own stamp on a home. Why doesn't anyone want to actually restore a home.

Ummmmmm....being an "old house" person myself as well as having an interior design degree, this is all a mystery to me. Are there no "House and Garden" magazines; are there no "This Old House" tv shows?

With that said, last week I tried to get my fixer-upper then rent'em client to step out of the box and buy this cute little house on N. Walnut Street. It is a nice older neighborhood with most of the homes being built between 1915 and 1930, not that old says I. My idea was for him to buy the house, fix it up over the winter and then sell it in the spring (with me listing it, of course.)

Oddly enough, he didn't like the north end of town. Having grown up in the north end of town, I think it is nice. But he would not be moved. I pointed out to him that this home was listed at $59K and that one just like it down the street just sold for $95K. No go.

So a couple days later, I woke up with a nagging little thought in my head. Nice house, needs work, nice older neighborhood, $59K plus $20K to fix up equals $79K, sell it for $95K. I've got good credit, I know houses, markets, contractors, painters...........Eureka! Who am I waiting for! I shall buy it, says I.

Too late. Someone else's light bulb went off a day before mine did. Rats.

So now I look around town and notice little pockets of "restoration" going on. Someone is getting on the bandwagon. And if I keep my eyes peeled, then I can join my own one person campaign to re-beautify Wilmington.

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Being For the Benefit of Mr. Kite

Unfortunately, this is not an uncommon sight in Wilmington. Who
would think that the county seat of an historically rural community could be exeriencing urban blight. Believe it.

Wilmington City now has the dubious distinction of having 50% of its homes as rental properties. 50%! That is sad.

Not sad because we shouldn't have rentals but sad because we need them. And the reason we need them is because people can't afford to own a home or because they have poor credit.

The unfortunate reality of rental properties is that they may suffer from neglect on the landlord's part or abuse on the renter's part. This doesn't happen in all cases but when a town has 50% of its homes as rentals then the chances of this occuring greatly increases.

As in previous postings, I have sited the fact that incomes are not keeping up with the rising cost of housing. This could be the leading factor in the increased need of rentals. Also, most families are one paycheck away from getting behind on their bills. Heaven forbid one of the two essential incomes should go away from either sickness or a company layoff. Then families have to chose which bills to pay this month and which to pay next. And we all know that once you get behind, it is hard to catch up.

This could result in bankruptcy. No individual really wants to declare bankruptcy. No body sets out to get so far in debt that they can no longer see daylight. But it is happening more and more as the cost of living outstrips the ol' paycheck.

Which brings me to the point of urban blight. As more fortunate people move to the 'burbs, the more that unfortunate people are left behind and the more unfortunate people are left behind the more that fortunate people move to the 'burbs.

I have therefore, for the benefit of all, started a one person campaign to re-beautify Wilmington. But how....? Remember when a newly wed couple could go out a get a little house.....