Tuesday, October 9, 2007


The day has started out right. Even though it is a little dreary outside and rain is forecasted, it is bright and sunny in my own little mind.

I got an email from my people who put in an offer on a nice home then split for their vacation. I have been reticent to call or email them just for the heck of it so I have been waiting for an opening. Even knowing that they want to bring their family through the home (always a scary proposition) when they return, you still never know if they will forget all about the house; out of sight out of mind.

But I got an email from them this morning. Yeah! They still want to see the house again this weekend. This gave me the opportunity I was looking for. I emailed them back that the showing is set up and that I should have an estimate soon for the siding on the home. This situation with the siding has me antsy because having a maintenance free home is high on their priority list. If the estimate that I have procurred for my people comes in too high, we might be in trouble.

This experience has been a "hurry up and wait" situation. The potential buyers wanted to put in a bid quickly to, in essence, save their place in line. Now the sellers are in limbo waiting to see how everything plays out. I think my people will come around to trusting me when I am able to give them a figure on the siding.

So many factors, so much time, so little known. I think I've talked myself into being in a bad mood after all.


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