Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Run For Your Life

Well, it sure has been nice working here at Bennett Realty. I do wonder, as I have mentioned previously, why I am able to keep this job that I love. My latest endeavor is to humiliate most of the realtors in my office. I purchased a new super duper camera recently. I took it to work to play with and started taking pictures of everyone. Well, with a 10x optical zoom and 8 megapixels, you can get up close and personal with your subject without physically getting in their face. Of course, people were getting a wee bit irritated because I was clicking away at them, although without a flash. It is amazing how you can actually capture the essence of someone after they start getting a bit p.o'd.

After I had harrassed my fellow realtors sufficiently, I down loaded my photos to the computer and tweaked and cropped them to my satisfaction. As a sidebar, I highly recommend the Fuji FinePix camera. Please, please, please don't let anyone talk you into a Kodak Easyshare. There is nothing "easy" about "sharing" photos when it comes to that camera or the software that comes with it. (I have lost count how many times I've been asked to help people "get those pictures off" their camera.) For one thing, you have to download your photos using the software that comes with the camera. You don't even need special software to download photos from any camera. Just plug in the USB cable and a window pops up and either a "wizard" opens or a dialog box that will walk you through it. However, the Fuji FinePix has very nice software that doesn't supercede the computer's own system. It is user friendly and has great editing capabilities. It's not Photoshop but it is the closest thing to having a dark room in your basement that I have found. Especially when used in conjuction with my new SLR style S800. With the manual as well as automatic settings, I can do anything for real estate or for personal use.

Which brings me back to harassing my fellow beings. After I assembled all of my loverly black and white photos, I ordered a calendar online using said photos and put silly captions underneath. I will then give it as a present to the broker and his wife, my supervisor.

So, it's been nice talking to you............

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