Thursday, December 6, 2007

Baby You're a Rich Man

Holidays are looming large and even though not much is going on at the office, I have plenty going on at home. My mind is not on real estate but it really should be. Just because things are slow doesn't mean they have to come to a full stop. But that is the way I find that the psyche works. Have you ever noticed that you get better service at a restaurant when it is busy than when it is slow? That is because the less someone has to do the more they do nothing. I think it is a little thing called inertia. So you walk into an empty restaurant and stand there staring at the walls waiting for someone to notice you so you can be seated in the vast emptiness. The same goes in real estate. Even if someone walked in the door wanting to see a house, I would rise grumbling from my seat and half-heartedly talk to them, ultimately probably talking them out of the whole thing. My mind would wander, thinking, "This person can't really be serious about buying a house this time of year. It's cold and snowy and besides I don't feel like slogging away in the slush in the dark evening just to show this looky-loo a cold dark dump." So I've just talked myself out of a sale. Quite counterproductive, you see.

So I sit here, wondering why I'm not making any money. Go figure.

I did have a closing last week, surprise, surprise. Sometimes we do well in the biz despite our best efforts to do otherwise. In fact, this is the first year I will be getting a sales award! Our Board of Realtors Christmas party is this weekend and I will proudly and graciously accept my award and give my thanks to the little people. Okay, maybe not that last part. But I am thankful that, despite the downturn in the market, I have done well this year. It pays just to show up.

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