Sunday, May 4, 2008


Derby Day started out well. I got lots of flower pots planted, as is my tradition. Anticipation built as I eagerly awaited the race and all the celebration and pomp. But it ended so tragically that I turned off the TV as soon as the race was over. I just couldn't stand to watch the awarding of the famed blanket of roses. How can one celebrate while one of its racers, who came in in second place, lay dead on the track. It made me wonder if the race had become too big, too hyped, too commercialized. Are the trainers and owners pushing their horses, their athletes too hard? Has too much money become involved? Too much "riding" on the race? I may have watched my last Kentucky Derby.

The first clue that The Derby had become much too much was when the announcer, as the beautiful horses were parading onto the field, could barely get all the sponsors names out of his mouth before all 20 horses were onto the track. I lost a bit of my wonder and innocence yesterday. These gorgeous creatures, God's creatures, were supposed to be lovingly trained and cared for, pampered, by their owners and trainers. These award winning athletes deserved to be groomed and loved. Yes, race horses are workers and money makers, but you never heard about them racing for 3 years then being put down because they outlived their usefulness. Horses are "put out to pasture".

But now, in this time of big money, big business, big sports, even an innocent animal becomes just another pawn. Steroids has destroyed baseball and its players and now the whip has destroyed a beautiful horse. I wept.


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