Monday, August 27, 2007

She Said She Said

I wish that I could take all the credit for the postings on my blog. I guess I might actually qualify for the blame as opposed to the credit. (Credit, get it? Heh, heh)

My sister has become an avid reader of this blog, arguably the ONLY reader of this blog. As such, she has become my biggist fan as well as critic. Not critic as in "critical" but as in feedback and proof reading.

She recently, and thankfully, caught my biggest gaff so far; switching "righting" for "writing", a big mistake for a writer (righter?) to make. I fixed it so that no one else would feel my pain (pane).

The other side of the coin is that I have become a bit self-conscious knowing (noeing, noing?) that someone is out there (their, they're) actually reading this stuff instead of me just sitting here (hear) typing away. But it is a good lesson: yes, the internet will be still and let you put anything on it but that doesn't mean that you shouldn't show some responsibilty to your (you're) fellow creatures and strive to make it a better place for those of us who care (I s'pose there are some who don't, or maybe they do but just in different things, and that's okaaayyy.)

So (sew), she has sent me a great (grate) link for an article called "Dangerous Disconnect Between Home Prices and Fundamentals"; see my "Danger" link on the side bar. In short, it states that the cost of a home versus the money that you bring TO your home in the way (weigh) of a paycheck are not increasing at the same rate, hence causing a dangerous imbalance. But I'll leave that up to you (ewe) to (too, two) read.

Oh, by the way, she is older than me. (Heh, heh)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is war. (heh heh)

-- Sis