Tuesday, July 31, 2007

A Day in the Life

First thing this morning, when I got into the office, I was greeted by a fax. It was a signed extension for a closing date for my repeat client/purchaser of dumps. (Hereby known as "Dumpster". Dumpster had made an offer on a property in April while my back was out. It was a fun day, showing homes that a sane person wouldn't even go into yet there I was actually having to sit in them because I couldn't stand.

Dumpster made offers on all we looked at hoping one would stick, which it did. We negotiated a price with the listing agent, it was accepted and we were looking forward to closing in about 2 weeks. 30 days is usually standard turn around time but when buying dumps, there are usually no inspections - termite or otherwise. So if you have great credit or cash and are a do-it-yourselfer, crappy houses make a great investment.

Anyway, my buyer is ready to move ahead. The title company ( the entity that gathers all information regarding a property such as tax information, mortgage payoffs and financing and researches the title to the property to determine that the person that is selling actually owns it) discovered that the person selling actually did not own it. The sale of the house was part of an estate which had never gone to probate to settle who gets what. All of a sudden everything comes to a screeching halt while we wait for the property to go through the court system.

So here we sit in July waiting for something to happen. Luckily (and I use this word frequently because real estate tends to hinge on it), Dumpster is hanging in there.

Bennett Realty is a great place to work and gives its agents a lot of support. And my broker is not a micro-manager but is always there when you need him. He just asks me periodically if the deal is still alive and I reply, "Yeah, so far!"

The moral of the story is, work just as hard for a client buying a crappy house as you do for one buying a McMansion. People are people. And besides, I bet you'll find that the person buying the pieces of crap is a lot more fun to work with.

Monday, July 30, 2007

Get Back

The real estate market has its ups and downs; no different here at Bennett Realty. 2003 to early 2006 were "wonder years" - everything was hot, unfortunately few bothered to wonder what would happen in the future. The media touted an imminent real estate bubble bursting.

It is difficult, however, when you are in that speeding train to envision it coming to an abrupt halt.

But it is not as though houses have disappeared. They are still here - Clinton County is awash in for sale signs. The influx from DHL's relocation here did not come. Builder's keep building in hopes that someone will want THIS house when no one wanted the last one they just built.

But amid this seeming gloom and doom, I have been rather lucky. Lucky considering that during the "pop" of 2006 I became ill and had to take a leave of absence. I thought I was washed up as a real estate agent. This is a very competitive business so if you stumble, you are bound to get trampled.

So when I came back to Bennett Realty in August of 2006, I was pleasantly surprised when a steady flow of clients came my way. Now, in July 2007, I am finally feeling the pinch.

I'm telling you all of this back story so you will know where we are now.

I have had about 10 closings in the past 10 months. Don't know how that holds up to other agents but for one who fell off the face of the earth for 6 months, I am indeed lucky. The last closing I had was a couple weeks ago. It was a clash of wills from the beginning. It finally ended with the threat of law suit (Bennett Realty was not the cause or influence).

I have 2 transactions in the pipeline right now, both with the same repeat client. We all like repeat business but this particular client nets me less than $500 per closing. He comes to me whenever he is in the market for a new "dump", "piece of crap", or "roach motel". Find out more in my next posting........